M. Sc. Mathis Weiß

M. Sc. Mathis Weiß
Phone: 0271-740-5184
E-Mail: Mathis.Weiss@uni-siegen.de
Office: H-C 8304
ORCID: 0009-0006-9067-4624
Consultation hour
Mondays 9–10 o’clock (with prior registration via email).
- Software Engineering Internship (since Winter semester 2022/23)
- Complex and Intelligent Software Systems – Exercise (since Summer semester 2023)
- Seminar “Model-based Engineering” (since Summer semester 2024)
Supervised theses
- Transfer-Learning-Ansätze zum Feature-Modell-Lernen (2024)
- Modellierung und Analyse konfigurierbarer Scheduling-Probleme (2024)
- Ansätze zum maschinellen Lernen für den Konfigurationsraum des Linux Kernels (2024)
- Kodierungsstrategien von boole’schen Konfigurationsräumen für Ansätze zum Feature-Modell-Lernen (2024)
Research projects
- Robert Müller, Mathis Weiß, and Malte Lochau. “Mapping Cardinality-based Feature Models to Weighted Automata over Featured Multiset Semirings.” Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference. 2024. [Definitive Version] [Extended Version]
- Lukas Güthing, Mathis Weiß, Ina Schaefer and Malte Lochau “Sampling Cardinality-Based Feature Models.” Proceedings of the 18th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems. 2024. [ACM Digital Library]
Academic activity
- I presented our paper “Sampling Cardinality-Based Feature Models” at VaMoS’24.
- I was a sub-reviewer for SPLC’23, SOSYM-23, SETTA 2023, VaMoS’24 and SPLC’24.
- I presented my research project at FOSD’23 and FOSD’24.
- I took part in the “Probability in Computer Science (PICS) 2024” summer school.
Aktualisiert um 10:34 am 17. April 2023 von Robert