Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Malte Lochau

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Malte Lochau
Phone: 0271-740-2611
Office: H-C 8329/2
ORCID: 0000-0002-8404-753X
Teaching and Administrative Activity
- Information about the lectures offered by the MBE group can be found here. A complete list of my previous teaching experiences can be found here.
- Information about open Bachelor and Master theses can be found here.
- I am Mentor for the Vertiefungsrichtung „Complex and Intelligent Software Systems“ (prev. „Softwaretechnik“) in Bachelor and Master computer science (see here).
- I am contact person for studying computer science without Abitur (see here).
- I am member of the Prüfungsausschuss for computer science.
- I am member of the Tenure Board of the University of Siegen (see here).
- I am further contributing to the Athena European University (see here), Schülerpraktikum Berufskolleg Technik and Brücken ins Studium (see here).
- Please feel free to contact me by e-mail if you want to schedule a meeting.
- Information about ongoing research projects can be found here.
- A complete list of all my publications can be found here as well as at dblp.
- We received the Best Paper Award at SPLC 2017 for our paper: L. Luthmann, Andreas Stephan, Johannes Bürdek, M. Lochau: Modeling and Testing Product Lines with Unbounded Parametric Real-Time Constraints (SPLC 2017)
- We received the Most Influential Paper Award at VaMoS 2021 for our paper: S. Oster, I. Zorcic, F. Markert, and M. Lochau: MoSo-PoLiTe – Tool Support for Pairwise and Model-Based Software Product Line Testing (VAMOS 2011)
- A selection of my invited talks and conference talks can be found here.
- Program committees (selection): SPLC, VaMoS, ASE, FormaliSE, NIER@ICSE, ICMT, ECMFA, FM.
- A complete list of my memberships in program committees can be found here. I was PC chair of VaMoS 2018 and tutorial chair of Modellierung 2018. I am currently member of the VaMoS steering committee. I am member of FDO-TSIG and the FDO-RKP Committee (see here).
- I am frequently reviewing for journals (selection): TSE, TOSEM, EMSE, SOSYM, JSS, JLAMP, SCP. A complete list of my reviewing activity can be found here. I am member of the TOSEM Board of Distinguished Reviewers.
- I am co-organizer of IoT Conference Session Defining and Standardising the Evolving Global Integrated Data Space, 2022.
- I was (co-)organizer of the GI Dagstuhl-Seminars 19023 (2019) as well as of D-CON 2018, FOSD 2017, FOSD 2012.
- My academic CV can be found here.
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