Seminar “Model-based Engineering”
Summer semester
Event number: 43MBE1015V (Undergraduate seminar, for Bachelor) or 43MBE1016V (Seminar, for Master)
Prerequisites: Module “Software Engineering I” or “Database Systems I” is recommended.
The event can be taken as an undergraduate seminar in the Bachelor’s programme or as a seminar in the Master’s programme. The individual topic will be adapted accordingly in terms of scope and requirement.
Topics in Summer semester 2025
- Large Language Models in Software Engineering
Enrol for the undergraduate seminar (Bachelor) or seminar (Master) event in Unisono by 07.04.2025 12 noon. Information on the introduction event on 09.04.2025 at 2 p.m. will follow via Unisono e-mail. The specific topics will be presented at the introductory event. The topics will be selected afterwards.
Each participant receives selected literature (in English) on the chosen topic:
- Undergraduate seminar: 1 – 2 recent research publications.
- Seminar: 2 – 3 recent research publications.
All files are for the Seminar’25 can be found here:
- Scientific presentation on the chosen topic as part of a central event at the end of the semester.
- Undergraduate seminar: 20 minutes presentation + 10 minutes discussion
- Seminar: 30 minutes presentation + 15 minutes discussion
- Written elaboration of the chosen topic, to be handed in by 01.09.2025 at the latest. Also register for the examination in Unisono before submitting it.
- Undergraduate seminar: 6 pages (ACM style two columns) / 9 pages (ACM style one column)
- Seminar: 10 pages (ACM style two columns) / 15 pages (ACM style one column)
- Further milestones over the course of the semester:
- Discussion of the literature and first draft of the outline of the paper (approx. 4 weeks after the beginning of the semester).
- Submission of a first interim status of the paper and preparation of reviews for the papers of other participants (approx. 4 weeks before the date of the presentation).
- Undergraduate seminar: 1 review
- Seminar: 2 reviews
- Submission of a first draft of the presentation and rehearsal talk (approx. 2 weeks before the presentation date).
Associated persons
Aktualisiert um 17:36 am 17. April 2023 von Robert