M. Sc. Robert Müller

M. Sc. Robert Müller
Phone: 0271-740-2618
E-Mail: Robert.Mueller@uni-siegen.de
Office: H-C 8304
ORCID: 0000-0002-9718-6272
Consultation hour
Wednesdays 10–12 o’clock (with prior registration via email).
Research interests
- Inductive program synthesis, Programming-by-Example
- Automatic testing, Fuzz-Testing
- Program-Merging, Refactoring
- Tooling: Java, Eclipse Modelling Framework, C/C++
- Software Engineering I – Exercise (since Winter semester 2020/21)
- Software Engineering II – Exercise (since Summer semester 2021)
- Proseminar/Seminar Model-based Engineering (since Summer semester 2021)
Supervised theses
- Experimentelle Auswertung von Unit-Test-Generatoren für Java-Programme (2024)
- Konzeption und Implementierung eines Editors für Klassifikationsbäume zum Funktionsorientierten Testen (2024)
- Vergleich der Effizienz und Effektivität von Feature-Modell-Synthese und Feature-Modell-Lernen (2023)
- Performance-Evaluation von SAT-Solving-Verfahren (2023)
- Integration und Evaluation von Werkzeugen zur Programmanalyse für den Einsatz in der Lehre (2022)
- Evaluation induktiver Strategien zur Test-getriebenen Programmsynthese (2022)
- Strukturierte Code-Generierung aus Kontrollflussautomaten (2021)
Research projects
- Robert Müller, Mathis Weiß, and Malte Lochau. “Mapping Cardinality-based Feature Models to Weighted Automata over Featured Multiset Semirings.” Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference. 2024. [Definitive Version] [Extended Version]
Academic activity
- Ich presented our paper “Mapping Cardinality-based Feature Models to Weighted Automata over Featured Multiset Semirings” at the SPLC’24.
- I was sub-reviewer of VaMoS’22, FormaliSE’22, SPLC’22, ESEC/FSE’22, VaMoS’23, SPLC’23, VaMoS’24 and SPLC’24.
- I was a member of the Artifact Evaluation Committee of FormaliSE’22, ’23 and ’24.
- I presented my research topic at the FOSD’23.
Aktualisiert um 9:52 am 24. March 2022 von Robert