Modellbasierte Entwicklung » Software Engineering for Mechatronics

Software Engineering for Mechatronics

Winter semester

Event numbers: 43MBE1021V (Lecture) and 43MBE1022V (Exercise)

Exam: written

Qualification goals

In this module, students of the Mechatronics course acquire competences and skills in software engineering at Masters’ level, including the following topics: 

  • Planning and management of software projects developed in teams,
  • Management of software modeling and software development,
  • Management of software configuration, and
  • Management of software quality

Students learn to understand, evaluate, and apply essential methods and tools for software engineering. The body of knowledge is imparted, explained, and extensively discussed in an interactive manner during the lectures and further illustrated by means of examples from practice. In hands-on exercises, selected software tools are used in an explorative way to gain experience in data and software modeling, configuration management and software quality assurance.


  • The introduction part covers basic notions and concepts of software engineering and management of software projects with a special focus on agile, model-based and object-oriented development principles.
  • The part on software modeling and software development includes recent modeling languages and tools for complex software systems.
  • The part on software configuration covers concepts and tools for systematically managing software variants, software versions and collaborative software developments in teams.
  • The part on software quality includes foundations and tools for evaluating and assuring quality goals in software projects.


To participate, enroll in the course in Unisono and Moodle.

Lecture and exercise materials as well as announcements are published in the Moodle course.

Associated persons

Aktualisiert um 10:14 am 7. March 2022 von Robert