Software Engineering II
Summer semester
Event numbers: 43MBE1009V (Lecture) und 43MBE1010V (Exercise)
Prerequisites: Module “Software Engineering I” is recommended.
Exam: written
- Agile Software-Development: Continuous Integration, Reengineering, Reverse-Engineering, Refactoring
- Model-driven Software Engineering
- Approaches for managing Software-Versions und -Variants
- Quality assurance with focus on testing
- Techniques and applications of recent software analysis tools
- Semantic of modeling languages
- Empirical methods in software engineering
To participate, enroll in the course in Unisono and Moodle.
Lecture and exercise materials as well as announcements are published in the Moodle course.
Associated persons
- Lecture: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Malte Lochau
- Exercise: M. Sc. Robert Müller
Aktualisiert um 10:30 am 7. March 2022 von Robert