Model Checking
Winter semester
Event numbers: 43MBE1023V (Lecture) und 43MBE1024V (Exercise)
Exam: written
- Temporal Model-Checking
- Deductive Program Verification
To participate, enroll in the course in Unisono and Moodle.
Lecture and exercise materials as well as announcements are published in the Moodle course.
Weekly procedure during the semester
- On-site lecture in class-room.
- Exercise sheet and exercise appointment on-site in class-room:
- Starts in the second lecture week.
- During the exercise appointments the current exercise sheet is worked through collaboratively.
- There is no formal submission requirement, but the participation is highly recommended as preparation for the exam!
Associated persons
Aktualisiert um 13:11 am 24. August 2022 von Robert